On a balise une ou deux fois : il a fallut lors du deuxieme jour passer un rocher car les nepalais ont planifie de creuser une route dans la montagne, et il faut voir de quelle facon (cf tofs) !! On a bien stresse ! .... The more money you are able to save on the plane tickets, the more money you will be able to use toward your actual vacation. When it comes to purchasing your airline tickets, the sooner the better. This goes for basically anywhere you plan on traveling. ...
This is Noella Morantin's first harvest from her own vineyards, I mean, she rents them from the nearby Clos bRoche/b Blanche winery, but it is still her first vintage as a wholly independant bestate/b making wine from its own vineyards. b...../b Then the Vins bdu/b Coin, a small wine fair with 20 natural-wine bestates/b, it will be next december 5-6 in the Haras de Blois (in Blois). Then Natura Vini, a fair in Poitiers on dec 12-13. All her reds are sold out but she has some Sauvignon ...